Compliance: Our Point of View

The regulatory environment is as complex as never before. That is the reason why everybody nowadays speaks about compliance. The word pops-up a thousand times every day from the media. What does it mean? Does it have strict definition or the term changes according to the personal views of the author?

At first glance, the meaning of compliance is easy: conforming to a rule. At this point comes a difficult research question – which rule exactly?

For a black-letter lawyer a rule can be something else then for an economist or the CEO of a big multinational company. The term might encompass myriad of different standards and principles that are not strictly legal. For many specialists ethical behaviour of business goes beyond compliance, because the state for being compliant presupposes the existence of defined and written rule. On the contrary, integrity by itself is not bound by legal obligations and duties.

In a set of blog-posts European Compliance Center will explore the fascinating compliance field without being bound by previous definitions. 

Our categories of blog posts:

  • Compliance
  • Anti-bribery &Anticorruption
  • Corporate Governance
  • Business Ethics
  • Good Governance

Our authors will share insights and the definitive conclusions are let to the reader.

Enjoy your reading!